Sober living

ALIVE SOBER LIVING Updated September 2024 14 Photos 27636 Ynez Rd, Temecula, California Halfway Houses Phone Number

sober holidays

Here are some statistics on being sober, as well as tips on how to stay sober during the holidays. One effective tool for managing cravings and triggers during the holiday season is urge surfing. By practicing urge surfing, individuals can ride out cravings by acknowledging and accepting them without giving in to the temptation of drug use or alcohol consumption.

Increased pressure to drink

  • With a few creative strategies, we can still participate in holiday fun without going broke.
  • The holiday season can be a time of year when old friends and tempting situations arise, but it’s crucial to remember that your recovery and sobriety should always come first.
  • For many people, including those in recovery, the holidays stir up difficult memories.
  • For many of us, the holidays are a season of peace and joy, where we decorate our memories with calm and happy moments.
  • If you’ve slipped more than once, this might be a sign you need additional support, such as more frequent counseling sessions or an intensive outpatient program.
  • Consider looking for additional support during the holidays through a recovery support group, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA).
  • For people in recovery, it can be hard to resist the temptation of alcohol when it’s present at the dinner table.

While gratitude lists can be effective tools to help keep the momentum of treatment moving, meditating from a place of true gratitude, however, changes the brain and the way the brain functions. When done properly, anxiety diminishes, the focus of our thinking changes, and best of all, we can look at the life we’ve been given in a way that recognizes its worth. “Attend gatherings with a friend who’s also sober or understands your journey,” Sultan said. Don’t worry about facing this holiday season in recovery alone. If you’ve had a slip, or have relapsed over the holidays, be kind to yourself.

sober holidays

What Happens If I Relapse?

It is easy to let the holiday demands and activities disrupt our daily patterns and routines. This can take a toll on our physical and emotional well-being. Let’s not forget the usual holiday stress from shopping, decorating, baking, expenses, family dynamics, etc. It can be tempting to have “just one drink” to take the edge off. Outpatient facilities run the gamut from bare-bones dormitory style to luxury accommodations.

Addiction Relapse Prevention Tips For The Holidays

sober holidays

The helpline at is available 24/7 to discuss the treatment needs of yourself or a loved one. This helpline is answered by Legacy Healing Center, an addiction treatment provider with treatment facilities in California, Florida, Ohio, and New Jersey. Early sober holidays signs of a relapse or slip may be identified by family members, friends, or other loved ones, such as a spouse. Turn off the TV, turn down the lights, read a book, or drink a cup of calming noncaffeinated tea. All these things can be part of a healthy bedtime routine.

sober holidays

  • What situations could possibly set you on the road toward relapse?
  • This time of year, there are countless opportunities to harbor, nurture, and rehearse them in our minds.
  • You can add some fun sober activities to your outdoor fun with a game of sandbags or cards.
  • Our telehealth program gives you access to expert medical support, online coaching meetings, anti-craving medications, virtual support groups, and more—all from an app on your smartphone.
  • And, bring the address of the nearest AA meeting, just in case.
  • Give all the participants a printed list of items to ask for around town.

For many of us, the holidays are a season of peace and joy, where we decorate our memories with calm and happy moments. But the reality often looks quite different, and the holiday stressors quickly pile up for the person in recovery from alcohol or drug addiction, making it a difficult time of year to stay sober. Moreover, people in recovery may have a harder time during the holidays because they’re not used to dealing with stress without alcohol or drugs. Nevertheless, there are many ways to stay sober during these holidays. Attending AA meetings, spending time with sober friends, and focusing on self-care are only a few steps to remaining sober during such holidays.

Second, sobriety requires commitment to stay sober and follow through on that commitment. Finally, sobriety requires effort putting in the work to make changes in your life and sticking to those changes even when they are difficult. For some people, sobriety means abstaining from all drugs and alcohol. For others, it may mean avoiding certain substances or using them only in moderation. And for some people, sobriety is less about avoiding substances altogether and more about being mindful of how they use them. Are you having trouble sticking with your goals, or simply want some extra support to ease the pressure this holiday season?

Having your own transportation home — whether it’s your own car, a ride-hailing service, or a sober friend — means you can leave when you want to leave. “Ask for a nonalcoholic drink like a mocktail or something that might look more alcoholic so no one knows that you’re not drinking,” Rollins said. Rollins said that having a nonalcoholic drink in hand all night can stop others from offering to fetch you a drink or pressuring you to have a full glass.

Fun Ways to Celebrate Halloween Sober

Seek To Serve

sober holidays

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